Friday, July 27, 2012

Origins of a name

You know how there is that one thing that sticks with you from the first moment you hear it?
Well, a year ago, during our D&D campaign our DM had provided us with these rings, that should we be in danger and we needed to go to where another party member was, all we had to say was "Here I am, there I go" and we would be teleported to their location. I have caught myself often thinking about those words, and what they would do for me if they actually worked. I would visit my mother, when I'm far from home I would visit my friends, and when I am apart from my husband, I would make sure we were together every night.
We all know however that these things are not possible, it would be on the same plain as The Doctor and his wondrous T.A.R.D.I.S. we just know that they are fun figments of imagination. So when I think about that particular ability, and the ability to be where my loved ones are, it brings me some kind of comfort, even if it is fleeting.
So, in case you were curious, that is the Origin of the name of my blog, wherever I am, I have found the ability to somehow be home.

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